Lump Sum
Newquay Mortgage and Pensions specialise in investment advice for your entire investment portfolio including ISAs, SIPPs, trusts, portfolio planning, offshore tax investments and all tax wrappers.
We are whole of market Independent Financial Advisers offering access to every product and solution in the investment market but we match the advice to an individuals objectives and attitude to risk.
We have a recognised process that minimises the risk of your investing and maximises the reward. We analyse the market both qualitatively and quantitatively to provide the highest level of investment advice.
Our investment process involves the very best specialist research which is tailored to your individual needs and circumstances. This ensures that your investment matches your objectives and attitude to risk.
We will choose the most tax efficient solution to manage your capital. Whether it’s an ISA, a range of collectives to maximise your annual capital gains allowance, or an offshore bond to maximise tax efficient roll up of your investments, our investment advice team will ensure your capital is not laboured by tax.
Not all firms charge for advice in the same way. We will discuss your payment options with you and answer any questions you may have.
Our income normally comes from either commission from the product providers (e.g. life assurance companies) , or fees paid to us by our clients. Whenever commission is available to us, you can choose whether to pay us by allowing us to keep the commission, or by paying us a fee instead. This is in line with standard industry practice. We will tell you how much the commission is before the transaction. If you choose to pay us by commission, we will keep the commission and not charge you a fee.
If the payment route selected is fee based (otherwise referred to as Adviser charge) you will be given the option of paying the fee direct to our company, or allowing the fee to be deducted from the contract/policy.
The value of shares and investments can go down as well as up
Your assets are managed on an advisory basis not on a discretionary basis.
Regular Sum
Regular savings or monthly contributions are often considered to be less risky than Lump sum investments. This is due to the benefits of
‘Pound cost averaging’ which we will discuss in greater detail during a face to face meeting.
Our recognised investment process will seek to establish which method is most suitable for our clients.
(In some circumstances the investment strategy might include both lump sum investment and regular savings).
We combine the above information with our robust research and attitude to risk profiling before presenting a tailored solution to our clients.
Tax Free
An Individual Savings Account (ISA) is a financial product available to residents of the United Kingdom. It is designed for the purpose of investment and savings with a favourable tax status.
Money invested in an ISA is not subject to income tax or capital gains tax. Cash and a broad range of investments can be held and whilst there are restrictions on the amount that can be invested (this is reviewed annually) typically there is no restriction on when or how much money can be withdrawn.
ISAs were introduced on 6 April 1999, replacing the earlier Personal Equity Plans (PEPs) and Tax-Exempt Special Savings Accounts (TESSAs).
ISAs are available to UK residents aged over 16, provided that they have a National Insurance number, but individuals between 16 and 18 are only permitted to use the cash component.
There are two broad types of ISA, cash or stocks and shares.
Cash ISA
A cash deposit that is similar to any other ordinary savings account, apart from the tax-free status.
Stocks and Shares ISA
The money can be invested in a broad range of different asset types which will include: Equities (stock and shares) corporate bonds, property and Gilts. Returns are not guaranteed with this type of ISA and therefore this type of investment can fall in value as well as rise.
There is no restriction on the period of investment with either type of ISA although it is usually recommended that Stocks and Shares ISA’s be regarded as medium to long term investments (5 to 10 years).
Other Investments
Other Investments (intro)
Other investment vehicles include OEICs; Unit trusts; Investment bonds; Children’s savings; Structured products.
OEICs became available in the 1990s and many long established unit trusts have converted their status to an OEIC over recent years. An OEIC is a company set up specifically for the purpose
of carrying out investment on behalf of its shareholders.
Unit trusts
Unit trusts enable investors to invest in a broad range of stocks, shares and other assets. They are “collective” investment funds, which allow investors to pool their money with other investors to form a fund that is managed by a professional fund manager. Each fund is governed by a trust deed, which establishes how it is run and its investment objectives.
Investment bonds
The Investment Bond is a single premium investment with an element of life assurance cover designed to provide flexibility and choice. It gives you the choice of investing for income, growth, or a combination of both.
Children’s savings
We are able to provide information and advice on a range of children’s savings accounts including Junior ISAs , friendly bonds and deposit based accounts.